18 Replies

Super Mum

I would put them in the same school ☺️ Easier logistically, and they can have each other’s back. They will be the other’s first friend in school, and that’s always a good thing 😊

VIP Member

Same school. Easier to manage in terms of logistics and they can also look out for each other if they are in the same school. :)

VIP Member

Same school! Then you wont need to go so many places to pick them up and the oarwnt teacher meetings or school events etc

Best to have them in the same school, as practically it’s easier for you. And they can be there for each other

Mixed school, so they will learn how to mix around with boys and girls.

VIP Member

same school. Coz its easier to settle stuff n handle them

Put them in mixed same school for convenience sake

VIP Member

Mix. Fetching from 2 schools is more tiring.

VIP Member

Mix. Can look out for one another.

VIP Member

Register them in the same school(;

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