green tea
Can pregnant women drink green tea?

Green tea is cooling in nature (according to TCM). If you're in your first trimester, it's safer to avoid. Thereafter if the pregnancy is stable, 1 cup daily should be alright..
A cup will do, it contains caffeine and may keep you awake when you really need to sleep bearing the due date.
Yup .. it’s good rather than normal coffee or tea.. but a limit is good for anything
i believe you can but in moderation. and hot tea is always better than cold tea
One cup a day should be fine:) it has caffeine, so limit the daily intake
I was told by my tcm not advised to but red tea or black tea is ok
I avoid green tea and any other tea. Too cooling I think?
I drink it only after 3rd trimester. But in moderation.
One cup a day is ok
one cup shld be ok