8 Replies
Did you walk alot or smth? Tat time i had bleeding (like menses) but it was caused by a tear after i shopped a whole day. Was given duphaston and because i was worried, i went back gynae. End up with a vaginal scan and bleeding clots which were palm sized and went to a&e. Baby is still ok btw! But i agree that you should faster see ur gynae!
quick call ur gynae!! it happened to me last weekend, i am in my wk 12. as i was based in kkh so i went ane directly, doc cleared the clots and did scanning then had jab and put on medication.
My friend had bleeding throughout her pregnancy, later discovered it was a cyst, anyway, please visit doctor every time there is bleeding.
Not trying to scare you but it's not a good sign. Please have a check asap. Happened to me.
It might also be UTI. Read up on UTI symptoms.
Call and go to ur gynae!!
Pls go gyne immediately
How many weeks in?
Ahhh might just be placenta low! I had bleeding at about 15Weeks in then I went to gynae but can’t remember what she injected me with! Nothing serious tho apparently it’s quite common! But better to check with gynae!