4 Các câu trả lời

if using clear blue malaysia, pregnant show is not yet complete. wait few minute till it show 1+/2+/3+. read the label at the guide. Normally if it show 2+ means thebpregnancy is still new. around 3w. then wait until 8w time then see the dr. or if u need help and how to take care due to first pregnancy, u can walk in to any clinik and they will advice what to do and dont. normally they will give u a next chekup date.

after 2w or 6-7week of pregnancy https://chat.whatsapp.com/FePISVxmiCVFZ3Y3DM03L0 Group ini ditubuhkan bertujuan untuk memberi semangat dan berkongsi cerita tentang baby & journey kehamilan 2023 💟 Copy & share bg ramai yg join group 0 sbb baru buat


last time i gave a chance 1 week to try upt.and turn out +,i straight see dr to confirm it

4 or 5 weeks

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