4 Replies

Hello! I’ve always been a back sleeper so the pregnancy pillow has been helpful for me to ensure that I’m in an alleviated position, even if I accidentally sleep on my back. I’m using the u-shaped pillow. It’s adjustable too, so if your bump gets bigger, you can adjust the distance accordingly. Something like this: https://shopee.sg/product/237464418/6957332798?smtt=0.30516520-1645258725.9 The other L shaped ones made me feel very suffocated, so I didn’t go with that. Go with whatever is comfortable for you! :)

Hello! Baa baa sheepz bed time buddy xl pillow has been my pregnancy pillow 😆😆 Like a bolster but wayyy softer. I like to sleep side ways with my tummy resting on some part of the pillow. Very comfortable. My favourite!

The pregnancy pillow SAVED my sleep and pregnancy journey. So useful! I got the L shaped one but didn't love it, using the U shaped one, perfect!

I make a make shift pregnancy pillow. bolster for the front and a normal pillow to support the back. It works well enough for me!

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