There is a chance this is a water mark if you took too long to read the results. (Can't really tell since it is black&white pic) BUT if you followed instructions properly, then there's a great chance you are pregnant! 😃😃😃 Pray for luck and test again the next day and read the results and see how long the line appears! If it appears pretty quickly (within 1 min), congrats you should be pregnant! My first mark was really really faint as well! But I knew i was pregnant because if I were not, no matter how I looked there isn't any line, faint or not! 😆😆😆
retook again first thing in the morning but got these instead. was like a slap in the face hahaha but thank you mummies for being supportive!! 💗
I retook again and this was it! I’m trying to not be too excited but really can’t wait for morning to come! Is it positive?? 🥹🥹
Positive! Congrats!
Maybe can try again tomorrow if still very very faint, can try a week later. Or more accurate, use the clearblue digital
Try again in the morning using the first pee before drinking anything so itll be concentrated
Try using Clearblue digital to double confirm. All the best!
try tomorrow in the morning