Pregnancy Cravings

What did you crave for the most during your pregnancy?

Pregnancy Cravings
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roti prata, ice cream, cakes, fried kwey teow, tofu, cookies etc....

Thành viên VIP

It’s not a particular one but sweet tooth .. love to hv sweets

ice creammmmmmm😁😁😁😁 and chocolates🫠🫠🫠

macdonald, ice cream, potatoes, curry and fruit juices

Thành viên VIP

Fast food, salmon sashimi, half boiled eggs, carbs...

Sweets, spicy & everything unhealthy!!

Thành viên VIP

spicy food! now my 20 mths also loves spicy food..

Thành viên VIP

3rd week was hor fun. and after. no more cravings.

Sweets coz i was deprived with sweets due to GD.

Mcdonald's, Mala, Ice cream and bubble tea