6 Replies

Research what products they use.... pregnancy should avoid Retinol, Strong concentrations of vitamin A, etc. Inform them you're pregnant... they will know what treatment to avoid (eg. Cannot do those ultrasound wave treatment). I suggest u try to put coconut oil on face. I had this huge mega pimple that refused to go away when I first got pregnant.... I went to a derm who charge me $200 for consultation and a cream which I wasn't comfy to use... in the end I use coconut oil and it reduced the pimple ....

Thanks. Coconut oil as in the edible kind of coconut oil? Just apply directly?

To my knowledge facial wont hurt. Then again, to each its own. Most facials out there are safe. You can also check with them before going for a facial and let them know you are preggy and if its alright. If you feel at ease, why not.

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i don't go facial during pregnancy as it's all the hormones playing around. Hang in there. it WILL eventually go away
