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I think i prefer to be a working mum and have some money in my pocket or Bank and enjoy life rather then stay at home and not have money to spent, Enjoy.life or even buy stuff for my kids when they asked me. I was working Full time till July i quit my job due to some staff at work was nt happy with me and always bully me. I resign and after 2 months of resign i got to know im Preggy again for my 3rd child. Husband is working as a part time driver and keep telling me hardly earn some money to even gv me. Usually when he is going out to work i will ask him for money and will pass me $10 or hardly $20/= which is nt daily. I was working FT but didnt do any savings as i was paying up my own house bills and other bills. after 7mths i quit my job and was immidiately looking for a new Job but yet its so difficult to find n its been 3mths now. soon my Baby bump will be seen more clearly which will be very difficult to.get a Job. my Hub keep telling me to find a JOB soon as we r staying in a 2room Rental flat its nt easy for us anymore to sleep on the bed already as we all sleep on 1 bed cos of the AC in the room only. I feel tat i shd'nt havr resign at that time but was really very stress at work daily... any help over here pls do let me.know what shd i do??

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I prefer (and I am) a work-from-home mum! While not everyone is able to do this, I'm thankful to have the best of both worlds :) I am mainly a freelancer for social media marketing, content writing or graphic design - but I also take on other sources of income like adhoc house cleaning for families and focus group discussions etc. Unlike most working mums, I do not have a fixed paycheck/payday - but I always ensure I have enough cash flow to make it to the next expected income! It requires some scrimp and saving in certain areas, but I'm still living comfortably and having little upgrades in life too :) As for saving, there's a 50-20-30 rule that I follow where 50% of my income goes to needs like insurance payments and groceries, 20% to savings (I'm not a regular saver, so although I have saving accounts - I also have an endowment plan to make sure I do have funds in lockdown every month) and the remaining 30% to wants like upgrading my living standards by a small improvement.

I’m a FTWM & I enjoy it this way. Being a SAHM is just not for me. We believed in quality time spent together not quantity. And I strongly believe a woman need to have a career but at the same time able to handle housework & kids! We save some money monthly for rainy days & holidays. I think saving is not determine by sahm or ftwm is whether the person want or dun wanna save. I have sahm people around me who spend even more & save nothing

When i am working, i wish to be a SAHM because it is always better to look after your baby when they are young and teach them the right value and of cos not to miss their milestone. Its memorable but it does come with lots of stress and no "own time". After being a SAHM for 2years, i prefer to go back to work as i can keep my sanity and of cos financial independent. haha If i am working will be getting $3200 and can save $1k a month.

I used to earn a lot more than my husband but I didn't really manage to save much as I will always "need" some better in one or two days times. After I became a SAHM, I tends to save more instead despite the fact that we are living on one income. However, nothing beat the sense of achievement to be able to witness the every milestones of my second child which I have missed for my firstborn.

Working mum, earning 4.6k for myself and savings in case anything happen to my baby, or touch wood divorce with husband. Husband give all his 4k salary to me so monthly pass him 500 for his own usage. So after pay bills and keep in joint savings etc, balance is put in my personal savings. You never know what will happen so better prepare umbrella before rain.

Working mum. Savings tough... all goes to kiddos. Ifc, insurance, exp etc... but on 2nd tot, im glad i dint give up my job. At least i got my financial income instead of relying on hub. *touch wood* what if somethings comes up & i cannot rely on his income anymore. Better depend myself - feels more secured.

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Work full time. Staying at home makes me too bored. My 4 months maternity leave was the longest days of my life and I can’t wait to get back to work. Having said that I also love spending lots of time with my kids. We spend all of our off work and school time together. We go everywhere together. 😁

I'm a working mum but wish that I could be SAHM. Due to some liabilities we have, I also gotta work. It's a sad thought having to send my girl to IFC with heavy heart before I go to work everyday. So yea.. I totally envy SAHM who gets to spend time with LO 24/7 and witness every single milestones.

I've been a SAHM for 7 yrs. My kids are my priority as I still uphold traditional values and strongly believe it's my responsibility to feed, educate and nurture them. I'm just grateful my hubby has a stable career to give our family a comfortable life. Fact is, I don't miss working life at all. Haha

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