6 Replies

I hv not heard before tat porridge will cause constipation. I started cooking porridge ytd & 1st day, i puree it until very smooth. Today is e 2nd day and i didnt puree e porridge (rice) cos it is very soft. I find if baby is able to swallow,den dun need puree till so smooth cos some babies love to chew their food.

Porridge don't cause constipation as porridge is very watery - so it's not lack of water. I never heard before of baby purée porridge. Because if u make like the teochew porridge kind, it is actually v v soft and baby can chew a little alrdy. At most u can cook a while longer and make it even more marshy?

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Never heard that it can cause constipation. Best to take with moderation. How old is your baby? I give mine rice with gravy and he is 9months old. No teeth yet. So I would say yes it's okay.

My boy has been eating rice since 7 mth no constipation .. besides Fiber need fluid so that waste can be passed out

No. Constipation is caused by diet with little fibre. Not caused by big grain rice porridge

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