Hello all, is this poop texture and colour normal or it’s diarrhea? It’s really runny and watery. My 1 month old started pooping only once a day a few days back and when she does, it’s a poonami and watery. She is on mixed feeding, currently 70-90ml of bottle-fed breastmilk (previously more direct latch but I googled about foremilk and hindmilk and baby drinks more foremilk and caused her gassy stomach) during day time and 60-90ml S26 formula throughout the night. Previously her stool was normal since she was born. And she used to poop a few times a day. Recently only once a day. Getting worried here.
Could it be possible that it’s my breastmilk?? 😣 any advise would be much appreciated please!! Thank you in advance! 😭🙏🏻#1stimemom #firstbaby #advicepls #breasfeedingmom
Naqibah Mahmood