I’m having cramps from raising my voice at work (I worked in an open concept childcare and when other classes get noisy, I need to raise my voice for children to hear me).
I first got it on last Friday and didn’t bother but the cramps came on and off over the weekends and again on Monday. So on Tuesday I went to see a GP whom sent me to the ER.
But the ER said baby is too small (4 weeks) and nothing can be seen on the scan and send me home without MC or HL hence I continued to work the next day. Just told me to come back next week for another scan and blood test at Week 5. Should I be concerned about the cramps? I’m so worried about miscarriage as I tried for 3 years before I finally conceived via IUI…
It’s been a whole week now, and I have been cramping on and off. #advicepls