PIL naming Convention
My PIL want my newborn to call them gong gong n mama even tho I previously said the convention was yeye and nai nai, and that my parents will be gong gong and popo. I know people who call their grandma mama but I just feel sad and like won't it confuse the baby? Mama is me first? Anyone facing this issue? How to deal with it and teach baby? I just feel uncomfortable. If baby calls mama, he wld be calling me, not her?

pretty similar to my in laws and husband. my husband is also used to calling his paternal grandparents gong gong and ah po. I taught my daughter since birth to call yeye and nai nai instead. during every visit I will carry my daughter and say, this is yeye, this is nai nai. shes 10 months old now and eventually they called themselves yeye and nainai 😄
Read moremy MIL also wishes to identify herself as 嘛嘛.. its slightly diff pronnounciation vs 妈妈. im getting my bb to address me as mummy so it doesnt bother me. I would suggest give and take.. as long as everyone dotes n loves my bb thats what matters most. bb will know definitely know who mummy is afterall, they were in our tummies for 9 mths😍
Read moreI know what you mean~ for example; my parents are to be called Gong Gong & Popo. But my MIL always short cut and want my child to call the “Yi Po” as Popo. And my husband do not have any elder sisters, and MIL want them to call the elder cousins “Gu Gu” but shld be “Biao Gu”.
Honestly my son calls my MIL mama Peranakan I think it’s culture and tradition and there is nothing to really feel hurt or sad Your child will know the difference and you will forever be his or her mummy My son calls me mummy and sometimes he short forms it and goes Ma Lol
Read moreme! I don't live with them so now baby 17 month when my irritating mil keep saying mama to her she came and look for me. we're not in good terms I have told her since day 1 don't call mama she don't listen so whenever she ask my baby call her mama I will say ah ma.
Cantonese usually call nai nai as ‘ma ma’. it will sound as a lower tone than the typical mama. My hubs is Cantonese and he calls his grandma ma ma. It’s their traditional way of addressing 😊
i face the same issue and i feedback zo hubby. outcome is i hear wrongly n overthink. it hurts! till now i still waiting to a chance to feedback directly to in laws.
my daughter calls my mom ... "mother" and me mommy. 🤷🏻♀️
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