Normal Menses or Miscarriage?

Period was late 2 days, and before "menses" was just spotting. But not sure why is there so much clot. Is this normal menses clot or may i was pregnant & misscariage? HELP THANKS.

Normal Menses or Miscarriage?
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Yikes never seen so much clotting in my life before. I think you may have had a miscarriage. But please go to the doc to check for any remaining clots inside of you. Show this picture too. Sending lots of love. ❤️

2y trước

HI! THANK YOU. if it miscarriage , then i will try and check. but to be honest, i've had similar darker clots ever since i gave birth. considering its been 6 cycle period with that much clots.

It will be better to go to a doctor/gynae instead? We can’t really advise anything via the screen.

Best to see a doctor to check and have peace of mind. Take care ❤️