All about paul teutul sr net worth

Paul Teutul Sr. is an American entrepreneur, reality television personality, author, and producer who has a net worth of $500 thousand. Teutul is the owner of Paul Jr. Designs, which manufactures custom motorcycles and sells branded clothing. Teutul, along with his father and younger brother Michael, became celebrities after they focused on a reality television series ‘American Chopper’ on Discovery Channel in 2002. Teutul founded Orange County Choppers and Orange County Iron Works, and he has starred in the reality series "American Chopper" (2003–2010; 2018–present). Paul also produced numerous episodes of "American Chopper," and his sons Paul Jr. and Mikey have appeared with him on the series. Teutul has published many books and the most loved one is"Orange County Choppers: The Tale of the Teutuls" (2006). Because of these, all achievements of paul teutul sr net worth are at great heights. Read more:-

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