4 Replies

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On 15th july, i was admitted cause keep vomiting non stop till i nearly fainted, dr test pregnancy, it is negative. He then do ultrasound, then said that there is a small tint thing which might be a kidney stone which then ask me to follow up next month. End of month, 28th july, i missed my menses, so i do pregnancy test again, anddddddd im pregnant😂😂 so the kidney stone is not a stone, its the baby😂😂😂 sometimes, it is too early to check, wait fot ur menses and try again🥰

thank you for sharing your story! I will check again in a few weeks time

Might be too early for test. Did mine on second week of delay

ok tq. will do again after missed period

Check again closer to date of period. :)

Super Mum

When was your last period?

Usually best to test about a week after you miss your period:) nausea and fatigue can point to other medical problems, so do see a doctor if you continue to feel unwell. Take care!

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