8 Replies

I’ve heard mine at 6w4d :) it was not very loud but could hear something, as well as see very tiny heart beat movement on the ultrasound. Doc did a transvaginal ultrasound at that time.

Congratulations! I’m going on Friday which is exactly my week 6, not sure if can see anything. And I’m going overseas for 2 weeks so I can’t scan between week 6 day 2 to week 8 days 1 😕 hopefully I get to see something before I leave

UPDATE: I went on week 5 day 6 and my baby has a heartbeat already 😁 Hope to see it again during my next appointments🩷

Hello my gynae clinic scheduled my first visit to be when im 9 weeks in - is this common? I feel like it’s a pretty long wait :/

Hmm. I suggest that if you are anxious about it and prefer not to wait till w9, you can try booking for another gynae that’s available (if you can and want to), to confirm your pregnancy first. Maybe week 6-7? Then wait till the week 9 one with the gynae you prefer?

best to go from week 7 onwards for higher chance to hear heartbeat. sometimes it may be slower due to irregular menses date.

Yea I went on week 5 day 5 and heard the heartbeat already. Mine quite on the dot, I’m actually week 5 day 6.

I also miscarriage on April. But this Wednesday I’m 6W2D and going for my 1st ultrasound very excited lol😳🤪😜😝

So sorry to hear that, but very happy for you that you conceived almost immediately. I miscarried at week 10 so mine took longer to recover and by the time I recovered, I thought might as well try for dragon so I waited 2 cycles 😝 Lmk (if you remember) if your baby start the heartbeat already, my period is very very accurate and I definitely ovulated either day 13/14 of my cycle. So hoping to get a heart beat on Friday 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

5W6D for first baby and 6W3D for second 💗

Week 6 Day 6 :)

week 5 day 5

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