2 Replies

It's absolutely understandable that every child is unique and may require different approaches. If you find that the teacher consistently provides negative feedback or redirects your questions, you might consider discussing the possibility of exploring alternative instructional methods. Perhaps you could kindly inquire, 'Could you please share some insights on how you can support my daughter's development?' This way, you can open up a constructive dialogue and explore potential solutions together. While working at IFC, I noticed that some older children struggle to adapt even after three months. Some will stick to one educarer, cry whenever educarer walks away or on meal break.

Thank you for sharing! Thankfully, the teacher did advise me to let my baby be independent at home (for e.g, let her play on her own to explore, if she cries, don’t approach straight, instead to observe her from afar etc). Will try to do what’s told! Also, just wanna check, is there a possibility that baby will remain this way throughout or it’s just something that they will outgrow?

I think we can’t force a child to interact with strangers, and your baby is just 9 months old. Give baby a break. It’s already hard for baby to be away from the family for hours.

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