12 Replies

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I think it's just a myth that, we, Pinoys used to believe. I agree with Jan. Binkies are meant to pacify babies—to soothe them since they have this relentless need for sucking. It's called a pacifier for a reason :)

Pacifiers don't cause colic. On the contrary, they actually can help soothe a colicky baby, and studies have shown that using pacifiers can reduce the chances of SIDS. So no need to worry about pacifiers. :)

Here's an article about digestive health problems in children and how you can help: https://ph.theasianparent.com/bowel-problems-in-toddlers/

Too much of use can cause colic although babies have colics naturally so get an Anti-Colic Air System pacifier so as the bottles.

Super Mum

Of course not. It soothe the baby and can reduce the risk of SIDS.

Excessive using of pacifier causes colic.

pacifiers can give ear infection

sometimes ya.. depending on baby


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