8 Replies

It is safe. However, if you go to gynae, they would usually recommend that the most important is folic for first trim. Pregnancy vit can be kept to second trim. My gynae recommended to take 5mg folic acid which you can buy over the counter at any pharmacy and much cheaper because it’s usually generic brand, i.e., if you go guardian, ask the pharmacist where. It looks like a normal medication packaging. My gynae shared not to take the branded folic acid because they are usually around 400mcg (micrograms) only. Though it’s the minimal recommendation but it’s good to go up to 5mg (milligrams). When you reach second trim, can stop folic and swap to your pregnancy supplements. If you wanna be super sure, can double check with your gynae too.

before week 12, just folic acid actually good enough.. week 12 onwards than start multivitamin, because that's when baby is more formed and can absorb those nutrition

hello! i stopped taking the conceive well gold the moment i was pregnant but took the prescribed folic acid instead only during first trimester.

Yep have been taking blackmores pregnancy since week 12. Doc prescribed me something during first tri but it made me puke and nauseous.

recommended folic acid 400mcg per day. should just take folic acid will do, which gynae will give. why take breastfeeding vitamin??

It is blackmores pregnancy breastfeeding vitamin

VIP Member

Yep it's safe! I've been having blackmores pregnancy + breastfeeding for my entire pregnancy. And gynae approved of it.

should take. recommended is minimum 500mcg. so just stop conceive well.

Hello, my gynae says better not to take anything off the shelves.

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