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Hello, I can understand how difficult it becomes at times to feed the baby medicine but this option of mixing medicine with food is available to parents all the time and doctor too knows the fact that children throw tantrums in having medicine even then they do not tell you that feed the baby medicine mixed with food. I think there must be some valid reason behind this. Doctors say that certain foods have certain chemicals that can interfere with the body system. https://www.fda.gov/downloads/Drugs/.../GeneralUseofMedicine/UCM229033.pdf%20%5Baccessed%2024July%202013
Hi, Well! I am not sure whether you can do that but I think it is better to ask your doctor himself because there are a few medicines and cough syrups which should not be mixed with food. Please go through this link, it will give you a fair idea as how to go about it. http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/health-problems/the-foods-and-drugs-that-should-never-be-mixed/news-story/ae993e3ef35a0f980580fc6a943ec388
There are meds that can be mixed with juices and there are some that can't be mixed. Pedias most of the ti me tell patients upon issuance of the prescription if the medicine can be mixed with water, juices or any liquid.
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I think it's okay..as long as the medicine was prescribed by pediatrician. If not, just make sure the med is safe for baby.