is it okay for LO to suck pacificer after fallen asleep? I tried to pull it out, I can feel that my LO is still sucking on it.. at times, he will wake up after I successfully pull the pacifier out.. most days, I will just let him suck till he himself spit out the pacificer.. which take hours after he had fallen asleep..

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At nights, my girl suck pacifier to sleep, i will wait once she is deeply asleep than try to take out, and if she is fine and continue sleep, than i will not put back. So she will not be too relay on pacifier and wean off easily. (Depend how you think on pacifier, as i wean her off at 10 months when she can fall asleep after milk bottle. But again, she relay on sucking the milk bottle to sleep, when she drink finish she will fall asleep is a good thing but when she awake, she keep biting the milk bottle become another process to wean her off the habit again.) One thing good about pacifier is it help to drag feeding during night times, sometimes baby is looking for comfort only and they are not hungry, if they are hungry, you give pacifier also useless.

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