Nowadays do you all follow the confinement rules? No bathing for a month? No washing hair? No aircon?

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Nope. Didn't follow for my #1 and will not be following for #2. The no bathing and washing rule really only applies to rural China where it originated from. Coz ladies there have to go out in the cold to get water from the well or river. Not hygienic and weather can give them chills. Singapore water is clean and we have water heaters. No reason why we can't bathe. Just remember to blow dry your hair after bathing.

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For mine I didn't follow much. It's actually up to personal preference n I personally feel tt dun need to follow all. Like e only ones I did were to drink e Longan tea n also eat proper confinement food. As for e bath, only wash hair in e day n night time quick shower. No direct wind blowing at me but everything else is back to normal! Jus do wats comfortable for U:)

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Thành viên VIP

I only followed what I felt was reasonable like only drinking red dates tea. I bathed every day with the confinement herbs and slept with aircon. I did compromise with my mil that I'll only wash my hair every other day and that was coz it was the end of the year and it was raining quite often so it was cool. No way would I do that if it was hot.

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I would say no one can follow 100% in this type of super hot weather. Try to follow asich as possible. Bathinf and washing of hair is meant for hygiene purpose. But always remember to super dry yourself and yr hair thoroughly. This is to prevent "wind". You can be on aircon but please wear long pants and shirt at all times.

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Thành viên VIP

I still follow but not all. Bath with herbal bath and wash hands with boiled but cool down water instead of tap water. The same plain water only can drink when medications if not will be red dates and longan drink. For aircon is better than fan as fan cause more "air" elderly say next time result in aching in body. So i choose to believe it.

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I wash my hair daily but I blow dry my hair after each wash. I bathe 2x a day with the herbal bath water. I sleep in an air con room daily too...and switch on the air con occasionally in the day time. I believe that it's important to keep myself clean since I'm breastfeeding the baby. keeping myself clean also makes me feel fresh and good.

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Not 100% follow. For hygiene purpose, i wash my hair daily with herbal water (sometimes tap water if feeling super hot & sticky...hehe). Aircon 24hrs switch on so the room is cool and air is circulated (no fan). For food wise, no salt, no soya sauce, just simple home cook food will do. (Super enjoy the original taste food!)

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I washed hair everyday since 2nd day after discharged with the herbal bath cause I could not stand not washing my hair especially everyday sweat. Used air con at night, some nights I even wake up soaked (read that after delivery we will sweat out all the excess water accumulated during pregnancy)

For hygiene purposes, I shower once a day with body wash and rinsed with warm water and herbal water. I wash my hair once to twice a week with shampoo and rinsed with warm water and herbal water. And use the hair dryer to blow dry my hair. I sleep in air con room in the afternoon and at night.

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I bathed with herbs water every morning for 28days and washed hair every alternate days. Evening, I will shower with normal warm water from the heater. Aircon every night, some days too hot also on aircon. 1 jug of red dates tea daily, after the jug finished just drink plain warm water.