2 Replies

Same here!!! Am still taking diclectin at wk 23 cos I’ve been vomiting since trimester 1. Tried stopping 2x to test water and felt super terrible - constant vomiting last through entire day not only morning. Totally get how you feel 🥲

yea man.. it totally horrible i swear. cant do anything at all..😭😭😭 just keep lying on bed.. wakeup sit up also got feel to vomit.. i also taking that med too.. too rely on it.. doctor say not good. trying to stop taking.. skip 2 days. getting horrible each day.. on 3rd day bck on med again.😪

hi I have bad morning sickness from week 5 till week 15 too. now week 16 till having it but better. I went to tcm at amk and it helps a lot. not sure if u wanna try

its Wan Siew Choon Medical Hall at 338 amk ave 1 #01-1619 s560338, look for Tcm Dr Shen (Sim Poh Lian). open on tues thurs sat 830-5, sun 830-12. it was sooo bad for me too! I could only lie down the whole day and couldn't eat much, breathless, nausea, feeling weak and even lost weight. I'm feeling back to normal now after taking the tcm quite a few times. jiayou!

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