How to have natural birth?

Now 39 weeks 3 days. my first born child is Induced, and this second I have no idea. doctor say NAtural birth. But I have cramp and backache. I can't sleep every night. I don't have any spotting nor discharge. I'm so worry.... I wanted a natural birth. I'm so scare at night I will labor as my hub works at night. I get so easy tired in the morning.

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I had natural births with both my kids. The main thing is not to be afraid and listen to your body. Don't waste too much energy when you get contractions. Try to breathe through them. Save your energy for when you need to push. Remain upright as much as possible, and when you feel the urge to push, bear down with all your might! good luck!

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Anytime now, just listed to your body and don’t be afraid of the process. Best of luck, mumma