6 Replies

Is this your first pregnancy? Usually first pregnancy will feel baby movements between 16 to 26 weeks, depending on your body structure and activeness of your baby. I felt mine at 17 weeks, light flutters. Like bubbles popping. At first it will feel like gas but after a while it gets stronger and you’ll know it’s baby’s movements.

Thank You for the response! Appreciate alot!

All my 3 babies including the current one I felt at 18 weeks. But this 3rd one the kick is stronger, the first 2 was more of flutters. But some says they experience abv 22 wks gestation. Hope u feel soon!

Thank you for the reply ! 😊🙏

im 17weeks pregnant no bump nor felt any baby movements yet. my husband would sometimes place his ears on my tummy and hear "pop pop" and flutters .. i wish i can hear that too .. 😅

my 1st I started feeling about 17 weeks, my 2nd I started feeling flutters about 13 weeks. maybe I started to feel way earlier cos I know the familiar feel 😊

I am 19w and still no feeling too! FTM here

I felt mine at 17 weeks! :)

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