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Hi sis, sa 1 hour after glucose test mataas result mo, other than that eh normal naman. "Most of the time, a normal result for the glucose screening test is a blood sugar that is equal to or less than 140 mg/dL (7.8 mmol/L) 1 hour after drinking the glucose solution. A normal result means you do not have gestational diabetes." https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/007562.htm%23:~:text%3DMost%2520of%2520the%2520time%252C%2520a,do%2520not%2520have%2520gestational%2520diabetes.&ved=2ahUKEwj7rMbnpIb3AhUHC94KHTkUBA0QFnoECAQQBQ&usg=AOvVaw0o7bALP47sNDewOLJHJWrT, Mar 31, 2020

salamat sis ❤❤❤

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