Is it normal to have irregular period after birth? I just had what seems like menses on 27 Dec and now it seems to be back again ? anyone had the same experience? Won't breastmilk be affected.. so depressing ...

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Yes it is very common to have irregular menses for the first year. Mine stabilized within six months but not to worry. The hormones take time to adjust back too. The flow may be very little or for some a lot

8y trước


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It's normal. Your hormones is going thru changes. Rest assured, your breast milk will not be affected. Just hydrate yourself well

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i think its normal. My menses also abit crazy and irregular after birth . Not to worry will get stabilized after body adjustment

8y trước


Take a chill pill mommy! It's normal. Give your body time to adjust and the Hormones to stabilize. It will get better :)

8y trước

Yeah... Guess I really need to chill 😅

Yes chill! And don't worry okay =)