contraction first trimester
Is it normal to feel contraction at the lower abdomen, pelvic area during first trimester? Once or twice a day for few seconds

This is normal, below is from KKH FAQ: Round ligament pain: This is very common and is not dangerous to you or your baby. Pregnancy hormones cause the ligaments to be looser and more elastic. Stretching of these ligaments can cause them to go into spasm, causing pain in the lower abdomen or groin area. It can be made worse by sudden movement such as standing up from a sitting position, rolling over in bed, or any actions that increase abdominal pressure such as sneezing, coughing or laughing. When to consult a doctor? • Persistent lower abdominal pain can be due to other causes. Seek immediate medical attention if it is severe and accompanied by fever and/or chills, bleeding, nausea, vomiting or difficulty walking.
Read moreI've been getting those too, I was told by Gynae it's normal unless there's also other symptoms accompanied (increased pain and/or bleeding etc) then need go a&e immediately
No it’s not normal. Pls check with your gynae
Do you mean like twinges? I get it too.