
is it normal to feel bloated at 15 weeks. really feeling uncomfortable.

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Super Mom

It's normal and may last through the whole pregnancy for some people :(. For me my bloatedness and heartburn lasted all the way til the end. Try to cut down on salty food and fatty food. Sit up straight for half an hour after eating. If it's too unbearable you can mention with gynae and they may prescribe something for you. All the best

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Same here. But I feel eat less and more meal works on me. Try not keep ur stomach empty.

Yes it is. Speak to your husband about this issue.

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Definitely normal! Sometimes I try to sleep it off.

This is normal.. relax and enjoy your pregnancy (:

Relax and watch your diet

Yes, its normal. Same here!

Yes, is normal

Yes normal

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yes nromal