
Hi is it normal to cry more often during pregnancy? Will it affect baby in any way? Does anyone feel much more emotional after getting preg?

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It's normal due to hormonal change. Not to worry. Watch more funny video when you can. Cheers 😘

Me! Got bad pregnancy blues for 2 months but cannot understand why I feel sad. Just felt sad!

I spilled my mee hoon kueh in the mall and I was so upset. once I reached home I cried like a baby!

5y trước

Bubble tea.. I miss!! That’s one I don’t dare to start because I will not stop. Heheh

It’s hormones. Just remember to talk to someone about it and don’t cope it inside u

Yes, it’s normal to feel more emotional during pregnancy, don’t worry Too much

Yes it’s normal! It’s the hormones. Felt much more Emo during pregnancy too

Thành viên VIP

Yes we does. It’s cause of hormones.

Thành viên VIP

yes. but try to think positive!

Me too. Easily get angry

Yes it's normal