Is it normal for a 4mth to drool alot?. ALOT...

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yes yes!! mine started drooling at 3months and its like free flow, haha! i bought tons of handkerchiefs just for that.. like other mums say, it's normal :)

haha...yes, a lot of drooling at their age :) Just wipe it off with either tissue or baby wipes to ensure no rashes on their face/chin.
Yup, due to teething. Get ready your hankies and wrap your baby carrier / stroller seat belt with drool pads.
Yes it’s normal. Mine is drooling a lot at 4 months and now is still the same, going into 7 months.
yes! teething. and it will be like that until the teeth came out. Soon the chewing will start.😂
Don’t worry! It’s normal till they are 6 months old :)
yes! mine keeps drooling. yours might be teething soon!
Yes. That means he’s gonna start teething soon.
Yes!! Mine LO 14mos still drool due to teething.