Your breast size will not affect breastfeeding nor your supply. I am always an A cup and I’m almost 1 year into pumping. I didn’t latch on for long so that my hub can at least do the night feedings. However I still latch baby on and off till about 4 months before she had teeth and started using my nipples as teether. You don’t necessary have to latch on solely, pumping is more work but can equally provide bm for your bb 😊. Breastmilk works on supply and demand so the more you signal your boobs that bb needs more milk (frequent latching or pumping), the more supply it will produce. Bf is always hard at the initial stage regardless of direct or pumping, so you just need to tahan for that short period then behind will be easier already. I struggled so badly with low supply and so many episodes of mastitis for the first few months, but subsequenly once I got the hang of it, I became oversupply, had a stash and even manage to donate. In short, breastfeed has nothing to do with cup size, just need to have the motivation, patience and will power haha.
Yes! Im flat chested too 🙌🏼 but i have been breastfeeding for 2 and half months to my first born. 1st week to 3rd will be challenging as if baby is not getting enough but don't be discourage let the baby do Unli latch and eventually you might also build milk let down on the other side of your breast while your little one is latching on the other. Do join support group to get more confidence. It's also kinda mind over matter, you need to think positive and have the goal to do breastfeed dont ever think the baby is not getting enough or theres no milk. Get hydrated and more soup on your meal. I'm planning to do exclusive breastfeeding as long as I can. 🫶🏼
Hi! I am quite flat chested and have successfully breastfed my kid for 11 months through latching initially and ebm when I went back to work. I think for me was finding what boosts my supply naturally as well as trying not to be stress and pumping regularly to maintain supply. Jiayou! 😊
thank you all for the replies!! I guess I should try harder this time round as the situation now isn't as stressful as before. if really no production, then at least I know I've tried my best despite everything 😅 may this journey be a smooth one for me this 2023.
i have not BF yet but i plan to. i have a friend, she is A/B also. and she BF her 2 kids for almost 18months each. i am very inspired and motivated. but at the same time, lets not stress ourselves. Sometimes, if really dont have then just formula 🫶
thank you mummies for your inputs! yes I agree it's really a challenge physically and mentally 😅 hopefully this time round I'm more motivated to bf 😄
Yes ref article :'t%20worry%20if%20your,how%20well%20you%20will%20breastfeed.
I'm almost flat chest but bf my son for 8 months. even though my bf only starts 2 wks after birth
Dont stress, jz eat healthy meals and drink lotsof water 😊
Breast size won't affect milk supply.