5 Replies

Hi, I am sharing link with you, where home remedies are given to make nipples lighter. Try any of the ones that is convenient to use. Hope it will help. But be consistent in doing it. https://beautyhealthtips.in/simple-nipples-to-lighten-dark-nipples/

Hi, I think, yes, they turn dark, atleast drake than what they usually are before kids. It may be because of hormonal changes in the body. Because they makes pigment producing cells, so the areola gets darker. You may try some skin lightening cream.

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Same experience here. I really haven't thought about it until I read this. But yeah, they never went back to their original color. My eldest is almost 4 years old too.

Mine also turned really dark, especially I've been breastfeeding for quite some time now. I don't use anything to lighten the color.

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