Newborn startle easily during her nap
Newborn startle easily during her nap. Any recco on how to settle it? I saw got this kind of pillow, does it really help? Very poor thing as she cannot nap very well for few days already

They will outgrow that stage. My LO doesn’t like to be swaddled so I tried husk pillow and there was once the pillow landed on her face when I come back from washing bottles (asked my husband to watch her but he fell asleep), scared the sh!t out of me. I tried using the half swaddle (wrapping only hands to top body and leaving her legs free) and she seems to accept it better than the full swaddle.
Read moreWhat about a husk pillow to put across baby’s chest/arm? It helped mine after we stopped swaddling her given SG’s weather!
Those swaddle (lose swaddle)with a little sleeves works miracle! Try it! They sells at Shopee, with double zip
wither zip swaddle or the velcro swaddle or manual swaddle. they don't like but they fall deep sleep better
Baby husk pillows are a lifesaver for startling babies! Get them from shopee or Kiddy Palace All the best!
Baby will outgrow that stage. Have you tried swaddling?
I see. My baby doesn’t like swaddling too. We choose to give her a pacifier.
Try swaddling or sleeping bag