6 Replies

I personally feel 7pm-8am is quite long. So I’ll give another feeding. If my baby last feeding time is between 7pm -10pm, I’ll probably feed him again. Currently, my 5 months old baby can sleep through the night from 9pm to 6am. If we feed him at 12am, he will wake up at about 6:30am. So if we don’t give him another feed between his sleep, he might cry at 4am etc for milk. (This timing is difficult for parents to wake up 😅)

We usually let our baby sleep till she cried for milk which usually already next day 6-7am and she sleeps at 9pm.. Even if we feed her in between she just simply shut her eyes tight and move her mouth to drink only 😅

My LO sleeps as early as 8/9pm and she'll wake up only around 7/8am the next day. If possible try not to wake them up as they're adapting to night sleeps so that they can differentiate between sleeps and naps! :)

just let them sleep through the night. You really dont mind waking up to feed? Isn't it great your baby can sleep through the night? hahahaha

I wish my kid can sleep through the night. haha

Yes it is alright to let bb sleep!

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