Infant Clothes

Do we need to hand wash infant clothes or can use normal washing machine? Which one is better?

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You can rest assured that using a washing machine to wash your baby's clothes is perfectly fine as long as you choose a mild detergent and select the correct spin cycle on your washing machine. You are not harming your baby, or their outfits, in any way.

6y trước

You can help to protect your baby’s clothes by selecting a gentle spin cycle, or even the “hand wash” setting (if your washing machine offers it). For me I used a “gentler” cycle, the spin cycle on my machine will be a lot gentler on the clothes, reducing the risk of snagging. Hope that I am able to address to your question.

For my custom, my mum say bb clothes need to be handwash. But nowadays if we dont have helper, its really hard to hand wash clothes coz we have so much to do! So for me convenience tops the traditional thinking 🤭

If you have stains or anything handwash better but as long as cloths are safe to put in machine and doesn’t have pearls or crystal stones etc i just put them in machine along with my cloths white saparate ofcause

I handwashed my LO clothes and will continue to do so until he's at least a year old. Young babies tend to have more sensitive skin, and we adults clothes tends to be more dirty so thats why i choose to handwash.

4y trước

same here. plus the machine itself can be dirty cos of all the accumulated dirt

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I put all the baby clothes or swaddles or blankets inside washing net then put in washing machine. Tried hand wash once, but take longer time to dry than using washer

Super Mom

Hand wash will be better. But if there’s constraints (such as limited time), then machine wash is fine also. But preferably separate from the adult clothes.

As long as you are using a mild detergent and selecting the correct spin cycle on your machine, using washing machine is fine.

Hand wash is better of course. But best not to mix if the adult clothes aren’t that clean, for me at least

Handwash infant clothes. Cos have to wash everyday and its faster to hang and dry.

Thành viên VIP

Hi... it’s advisable to hand wash infant clothes