2 Replies

so sorry for your loss. you might want to let your body recover before trying again. i understand why you want to try again so eagerly after the loss. i too had a mc in Feb and wanted to conceive again so badly. but i think our bodies need to recover well so that we may have a better chance to carry our rainbow baby to full term. don’t rush into it. take care!

Thank you so much for your advice! Heart is breaking thinking about it but I’m trying to take some time to let go and let god decide the perfect timing for this beautiful blessing. And I hope you will be blessed at the right timing too! May we heal and be strengthened :’)

Ovulation can use strip. T line must be darker than C line. Depend on your menses cycle. Like for me my cycle is 28 days so I will use it ard day 9-15 after my menses.

Thank you so much! Usually I will check on the Flo app but just confused about my period as it will be considered the second cycle after MC but seemed so weird.

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