Ru yi oil on baby head

Hi my nanny just applied ru yi / yu yee oil on my 2 month old’s head. Usually she only applies it to his tummy but she applied it on his head this time without informing us - is it safe for application to a baby’s head? Has anyone tried it before? Thanks! #firstbaby #1stimemom

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My nanny did that too. But used the remnants after applying on the stomach and feet, not a fresh dosage. I was told it is to keep the baby's head warm. Since it is just the "leftover", not a fresh dosage, we let her be.

actually ruyi oil is quite strong for baby just imagine we adult apply it on skin will have warm sensation what more about baby skin I do not use it for my baby at all although my mom use it on me since born 😅

3y trước

Exactly. It's good for kids especially if got tummy ache not for baby cos of the menthol feel

Ru yi oil is very menthol-y for a baby that age. I will only use for baby 6 mths and above. Why in the world did she apply on baby's head? Baby got headache ah? It can sting the eyes! Not safe to apply there

Ru yi oil only apply on the baby's belly button and botton of baby's feet thats all plus cannot apply on baby's head it is not recommended

3y trước

Best is not to put on the head cause what if it kena on baby's eye?

It doesn’t harm the baby. Chill... I’m 21 years old and perfectly fine so is my baby girl! Using the oil since young till now!

its is safe to apply to other parts of body but not head. its not recommended at all.

We only apply around baby’s belly button and feet

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don't think it's safe to apply on baby's head

Influencer của TAP

don't think it's good to apply on baby head

please dont put on the head only tummy