Bleeding on weeks 6

Hi, nak tanya. On weeks 5 tahu positive pregnant then the same weeks ada bleeding quite banyak. Pergi emergency, doktor suruh monitor je without prescibe any ubat utk kuatkan rahim. Sekarang nie even angkat sampah makanan pun ada fresh blood keluar, normal ke? Risau jugak sbb yang keluar darah tu bukan warna coklat tapi fresh blood.

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Not normal actually. U should consult with dktr if dh bleeding mcmtu. Usually GH mmg xbg apa2 ubt if bleeding below 12w. Sbb below 12w ni penentu sama ada ur chromosome is strong enough to survive. I'm 2x misscarriage, so info ni sgt valuable. Tak semua org faham knp misscarriage happened at 1st trimester.

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Thank you and i wish you well☺️