Pengalaman anak nipple confuse

Hi nak share..anak 1 bulan nipple confuse sbb sllu bg btol ms dia kuning. Lps dia dh hbis kuning, try utk latch balik..mcm2 buat skin to skin, bg guna syringe dll..failed jg..lps tu husband beli nipple shield brand pigeon, then baby guna tu so dia back to breast..once baby start kenal breast time dia mamai try on off shield tu..dlm 3 hari dia trus ok ngan puting ori. Boleh cuba mana yg tgh struggle dgn anak nipple confuse🤗

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pernah struggle 2org anak nipple confuse ni mmg rabk hati nk kne sabar Group baby dec2022/2023

Hai sis.. boleh tanya berapa lama awak on shield dan akhirnya baby kembali dgn puting ori?