My son will be 9 months old in about a week and he still isn't crawling. He rolls around on the floor but doesn't really show any interest in crawling. How do I get him to start?

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To try encouraging your son to crawl, you could place his toy a short distance in his path to motivate him to crawl towards it. It is also possible for some babies to skip crawling entirely. It is not one of the gross motor skills, like rolling over and sitting up. Crawling is simply a method for a baby to explore his/her surroundings. The baby could also be sliding on his/her tummy or shifting around on his/her bottoms to achieve the same objective. Sounds like your son found rolling effective in getting him places. Sounds really cute! :)

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Different baby develops differently. Some babies skips milestones. My little brother totally skipped crawling and started walking and running! It got our mum worried for a moment. My first born only started crawling at 11 months which is kind of late but doctor say it is fine as long as he is healthy and growing well. My second born started crawling at 7 months which is early. So give them some time, they will definitely catch up on it! You can introduce more tummy time and let him get the hang of it.

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u can try by luring hom with things he likes. anyway, not all children crawl. some will walk straight away. like my kids, only 1 crawl so far. some will move themselves using their tummy which is fine too.

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