My sister's baby is only 2 weeks old and gets the hiccups at least 4 times a day. How do you cure newborn hiccups?

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I'd say the best way is to nurse baby to relieve him or her of hiccups. Breastfeeding can help your child's diaphragm relax and stop hiccups quickly. You can also try pacifiers. Burping baby between feedings brings up trapped air from your infant's stomach and can help relieve gas and stomach upset that could lead to hiccups. Change positions while feeding baby and hold him/her upright after freeing to help gas rise and pass naturally. You can prevent hiccups from happening by feeding a baby when he or she is calm. Don't wait till baby is crying uncontrollably to feed. When baby cries, he or she will take in more air during feeding and this can lead to gas or hiccups.

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