My maid just told me her friend is feeling depressed and has suicidal thoughts. She is missing home and having a hard time with her employers here for months. What can I do to help?

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If you know who her employer is (or if you could find out from your maid), it will be best to inform him/her. Talking about suicide should not be taken lightly because it means that the person is seriously considering the matter. This usually suggests that the person is at high risk of taking his/her own life. Inform the employer so that he/she could maybe contact the agency to deal with the situation. Also, if you don't mind, do allow your maid to actively keep in contact with her friend. Having emotional support is critical to a person who is contemplating ending his/her own life. Lastly, do pass on the Samaritans of Singapore (SOS) hotline to the friend: 24-hour hotline (manned by trained volunteers) - 1800-221 4444 For more information on how to help someone who is in crisis:

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