23 Replies

Get a playard with a mat inside for cushioning for living room. Get baby gates for bedroom, I put near bathroom entrance (depends on your room structure) to prevent LO crawling there. Buy the sharp corner protectors from IKEA/daiso/mama shop. Online also got sell cushioning strips for baby’s safety, google it. I pasted over low table, any low sharp corners etc. it looks hideous but baby’s safety is no.1. Online also got sell those clips that prevent babies from opening cupboards. Get bunch of these, too. I also have the horseshoe-shaped thingy for the door to prevent accident door closing. And of course, if you IKEA MALM chest or any potentially fallable furniture, please have someone mount it. Last but not least, do not leave LO aloneee.

Seems like it is a neglected industry in Singapore. Someone do something! I found this website that does childproofing services but doesn't sound like everyone can afford the price. http://www.safetyguardian.com.sg/index.php/services/home-safety-services/ Like what Samantha said, you could just do it yourself. Some products you can look at to childproof your home! http://www.safetyguardian.com.sg/index.php/services/home-safety-services/ Another good alternative will be to confine your curious boy in a play yard. I would say it is the safest bet. Moreover the size can be determined based on your space available. And no matter what, just always be alert and keep your eyes and ears open!

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I would get a playpen or playmat then I'd get a play fence around while you baby proofed the house. Get those plug covers, baby gates if you have stairs, corner guards...door stopper so they won't smash their fingers between doors.. ouch! don't forget to mount the TV the cabinets... the list could go on. I invested in a playroom and it helps a lot than constantly worrying about LO breaking my precious China collections:(

I got playpen but my 8m baby doesn't like sitting in playpen . same like walker , sofa chair , will ask for someone to carry . she like freedom , let her sit alone at her playmat and explore with her toys . I just watch what she's doing 24/7 . only avoid baby to play near edge of table or somewhere not safe for baby 😉 eg ,plugs , near electric etc🙂🙂

ikr! its like a workout when they reached 8 months and above! I didnt buy any playpen but I will close the kitchen, rooms so my baby will not be able wander alone in the rooms when crawling. its good to let your baby crawl happy! and expect them to try cruising and holding on to the furnitures to stand up! 😂

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It would be nice to look for a professional but you could always check out pinterest for child proofed rooms and just DIY. Oh for stuffs and advice/s check out The Parenting Emporium!!! They have insta and facebook. You could call or chat them for some advise/s and offer necessary products.

VIP Member

Actually you can do it yourself! :) The most important tip is to get down to your child's level (literally) and crawl around the house and u will spot the dangerous items or things to be child-proofed. Here are more tips. http://sg.theasianparent.com/fail-safe-ways-to-baby-proof-the-house/

Playpen! Hahahaha I just put him there while I’m cleaning the house. It’s a big playpen so you also can play with him inside. Pss: also can sleep while he’s busy playing with his toys 😄

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You can DIY mommy. I just bought stuffs I find helpful for childproof-ing. It's good to orient everybody in the house also so that they know what are the uses of each stuff for childproof. Also, saves you money!

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