My lo is 4 months old. He can sleep on his own for all afternoon naps (2x) for 1 to 2 hours. Just leave him on the bed with pacifier and a bolster he is gone after a few minutes. Only in the night, he needs to be carried (good day 15 mins) (bad day 30 mins and above). Why is this so? How can I train him to sleep on his own in the night? Good thing about him, he can now sleep through the night till 7- 8am. Bad thing about him, I need to wake up 2-3 times just to flip him facing up because he can't flip himself back or either diaper change. After that he will just fall back to sleep on his own.

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For a 4 months old baby, i'd say that he is no trouble at all with his sleeping way. My children all wanted breastmilk whenever they nap/sleep! I suggest you be patient and follow the flow. I mean, your baby is still young, already spent whole 9months in ur tummy, very2 close to you and now you are rushing him to be independent. Give him some time. Personally i think at age 6 months above, your baby will start exploring the world and be less independent so you can start bedtime routines too to help him sleep through the night. Good luck!

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