My kids love chocolates and candies. Do you know of any local homemade Pinoy sweet treat recipes that are way healthier than the commercially available candies?

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I always go for this affordable, healthy and kids' bff dessert (in our family ^^) - the famous buko pandan. All you need are the following: gulaman powder 1 pack (1 use the green-colored Mr. Gulaman or colorless/white powder offered by Knox (but this one's more pricey). 6 cups water, 1 cup sugar, 5-10 pandan leaves depending on your preference or how intense you want it to taste like pandan, sago 1 cup and 2 shredded buko meat, 1 can condensed milk and 1 pack all-purpose cream. This is traditionally prepared by boiling the Pandan leaves until all the juices are released. The leaves are then removed from the boiling pot and gelatin powder (locally referred to as “Gulaman”) are added to cook until diluted in liquid. Add on the suger. Simply follow instructions on the gelatin packaging on the preparation. Pour the liquid in molders (doesn't have to be fancy shaped, better if plain and thin ones so it'll cool off sooner). Cut the gelatin into cubes once it set. Mixed the milk, cream and sago (cooked) in a mixing bowl and then the coconut meat. Mix them well. This is best served when chilled. Dont forget to put in cute and colorful cups so that kids will enjoy it more. (add a scoop of icecream on top - vanilla or buko or any flavor that pleases you) :)

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