My in-laws are coming to stay with me for a month and I am a little worried. I have my baby on a schedule - meals, baths, play, sleep. This allows me to work and have some quality time with my husband. However, my in-laws like my daughter to have a routine more aligned with theirs -- she should nap when they nap, then stay up late so that they can have more time with her. They are lovely people - but i really don't want her schedule to be upset. How can I speak with them about this?

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Agree with Evelyn. Speak to them and explain to them that your baby's routine has been established and there should be minimal disruptions to that schedule. I think they should be able to understand. Also try to highlight that it will be very difficult to re-establish new routines every month (since they will be staying with you for a month). During their stay, you can enlist their help whenever possible (while they are not napping) so that they will get to spend time with your daughter (instead of having her stay up at night). All the best!

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