25 Replies

Try to ask yourself why you can't keep the baby. If it is due to financial, you can adjust current family living styles e.g. less eat out, less traveling and etc. There will be a solution definitely. If it is due to no one to take care of the baby, you can find alternative arragements e.g. nanny, IFC. Each life is precious. Just because the baby is in no.3 sibling sequence doen't mean he or she don't have the right to stay in this world. I have a friend who aborted her 3rd baby and regretted until now and the relationship with husband ends up a lot of blaming and regrets. Whenever she sees other people's announced no.3 pregnancy, she can't help to feel sad and think about "what if" she keep the baby. But it's too late already. Do think twice.

Cheer up mommy ..don’t underestimate ur strengths..u are capable of building ur finances for ur family with Gods strength..don’t be discouraged..when u had ur first child u might not had tat much but obviously over the years things had changed..see things with belief.. this 3rd child will be a blessing to u and ur family a greatest treasure to this baby.. never cease praying ..there is nothing a man can build or destroy all are in Gods perfect plan ..God is in control..u can reach me for any counselling personally..There is nothing impossible for God

Being the 3rd child of a broken marriage in dirt financial. My childhood is just down right crappy and I wish I was never born so that my brother and sister can have more. I still do feel this way even i have a kid and experience some happiness after recent years success in career. If you made all the calculation and consultation and decided on this path. Go for it. With regardless to counseling, I can't help you because I'm a guy. Don't drag it too long because it will be more difficult for you and unborn child.

dear i believes in baby's luck. believe me I and my husband have nothing and we were empty handed. due to covid we were facing financial issues. we got pregnant and were really tense because it's our first baby and we want to celebrate. But with our babys luck our path went too smooth and I gave birth to a very beautiful baby boy. With no tensions of having money. have faith in God. Abortion seems to be easy but regret of our life 😔

I sincerely advise you to keep the baby. Just as your other children are living, the baby coming is also a human being who deserves to live. If it has to do with the finances, you can try and adjust. It is just for a while. If my MIL had traveled this path, I would not be married to my husband and guess what, he is the most loving and wonderful man I have ever come across in life. Please keep the baby. I beg you by the mercies of the LORD

You are in a way killing your kid so you should prepare to feel sad and or depressed it will take a lot from your body becuase your body goes from producing and getting ready to have a kid to there no longer being a kid ..sorry if that seems a bit insensitive but you are doing the right thing especially if you don’t feel you can afford to keep the child

hmmm please don't terminate this pregnancy I beg you in the name of God. keep the baby for children are a gift from God and after this baby you can do a family planning or do something to protect yourself. Your husband will understand and you will be shocked how he would even love this particular child, trust me.

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I believe in abortion I am pregnant and planned to keep i feel all these comments calling it sin or death or murder are disgusting and should stop its ur choice

My advice is contact social services and let people adopt your baby,many childless couple want to adopt but not easy to get one. Give ur baby an opportunity to live

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