6 Replies

You can download apps from smartphone/ipad by just key in "baby names" and several options will pop out. One of the apps you can download is: For itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/baby-names/id412443566?mt=8 For google play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cg.android.babynames&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDEsImNvbS5jZy5hbmRyb2lkLmJhYnluYW1lcyJd Alternatively, you may go NLB to borrow physical book for baby name. There are a lot of book choices available in our National Library.

There are a couple of baby names sites that you could visit to check out unique names. For me, my kids' names were significant to the past events that had happened while I was pregnant with each one of them. For my daughter, I named her "Amelia" (modified from Emilia) which means peace in arabic and my son is named "Aryan" which strength in arabic, and warrior in Hindu. Now I live for my kids, a literal reminder to always have Peace & Strength for them

You can try online name generators like this one: http://www.bestlittlebaby.com/baby-name-generator.aspx This site has a collection of baby names you can choose from. However, what I find striking about this site is its name generator. Basically, you can input your name and your husband's name (or any two names) and it will generate a unique name as a result. You can also adjust the "origin" setting to suit to your ethnicity or culture.

Here's an interesting article on how some parents chose names for their babies: http://www.parents.com/baby-names/ideas/getting-started/how-to-pick-the-perfect-name-for-your-baby/ Perhaps your friend may find some inspiration from there. For me, I would probably avoid naming a child after a country (one of the suggestions in the article), but that's just my opinion.

I would look through my favourite books and see if there are any interesting and unique names that I can adapt for my child. For example, I love Shakespeare's King Lear and the daughters in that play have the most interesting names like Cordelia and Regan, which are great for little girls.
